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What is re-engineering? Re-engineering consulting assistance.

Re-engineering definition and consulting assistance.

What is Re-engineering?

Re-engineering according to experts Michael Hammer and James Champy is the "fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.

Re-engineering asks the question "why are we doing this at all" and encourages leaps forward, not incremental change. Re-engineering assumes the majority of process steps and structure are non-value added and encourages an organization to toss out everything and start over with a brand-new picture.

Reengineering starts with a high-level assessment of the organization's mission, strategic goals, and customer needs. Basic questions are asked, such as:

  • Does our mission need to be redefined?
  • Are our strategic goals aligned with our mission?
  • Who are our customers?

In this assessment, an organization may find that it is operating on questionable assumptions, particularly regarding the wants and needs of its customers. Only after the organization rethinks what it should be doing, should it go on to decide how best to do it.

For a free phone consultation to discuss your re-engineering needs and how CRE8 Independent Consultants can be of help, contact us.

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